function init() { //========================================================================================== // if supported, initialize TransMenus //========================================================================================== // Check isSupported() so that menus aren't accidentally sent to non-supporting browsers. // This is better than server-side checking because it will also catch browsers which would // normally support the menus but have javascript disabled. // // If supported, call initialize() and then hook whatever image rollover code you need to do // to the .onactivate and .ondeactivate events for each menu. //========================================================================================== if (TransMenu.isSupported()) { TransMenu.initialize(); // hook all the highlight swapping of the main toolbar to menu activation/deactivation // instead of simple rollover to get the effect where the button stays hightlit until // the menu is closed. trafficking016.onactivate = function() { document.getElementById("trafficking016").className = "hover"; }; trafficking016.ondeactivate = function() { document.getElementById("trafficking016").className = ""; }; } } if (TransMenu.isSupported()) { var ms = new TransMenuSet(TransMenu.direction.down, 1, 0, TransMenu.reference.bottomLeft); var trafficking016 = ms.addMenu(document.getElementById("trafficking016")); trafficking016.addItem("Definition Of Terms","glossary.php"); // - 0 - num: 0 trafficking016.addItem("Jobs","workplaces.php"); // - 0 - num: 1 trafficking016.addItem("Problems","problems.php"); // - 0 - num: 2 trafficking016.addItem("Human Rights Violations ","hrviolation.php"); // - 0 - num: 3 trafficking016.addItem("Useful Links","usefulllinks.php"); // - 0 - num: 4 TransMenu.renderAll(); }